Camelot’s expanded treatment protocols are now available at the best Mexican cancer treatment clinics!
UPDATE on FDA persecution Camelot Cancer Care Inc. was battling:
The indictment was dismissed 3+ years ago, but could potentially be revived, under the current political climate. We cannot respond to false allegations, (some ludicrous & easily explainable) without disclosing defense. Our silence to date should not be misinterpreted. We ask that you reserve judgement until the true facts are presented in federal court–which may or may not happen.
It’s important to note that Camelot’s patient records, both paper and electronic, were confiscated, (including the evidence of success; proof that our formula was resolving many cancer cases into remission) with no copies provided to allow us to build a defense against bogus fraud charges.
We are often asked what became of the cancer patients who were in treatment at the time Camelot was raided and closed. Feds refused to refund them their treatment fees that were confiscated from Camelot’s accounts, which would have allowed them to seek treatment elsewhere. Feds ordered them to return home, empty handed. Of those who were intimidated into leaving, there were no survivors.
Of the few who stayed, determined to continue with treatment clandestinely, appointments were arranged through burner phones and supplies were delivered using dead drops. Treatment was provided in the restrooms of restaurants and church parlors after hours and other more unlikely places, despite gestapo like surveillance. It would have made a good screen play, rivaling Dallas Buyers Club. Yes, there were survivors among that group, as well as the ones who followed us to Mexico. These courageous folks have amazing stories to tell, if ever subpoenaed as witnesses.
Many thanks to past and present patients who have supported us throughout this Witch Hunt; no doubt generated by the same big pharma corporate cartel that has now brought us Covid, lockdowns and experimental vaccine promotion.
For those of you seeking effective natural cancer treatment, please read on. We don’t mean to distract from your mission.
For those who have seen the lies and misleading statements posted by the FDA/DOJ and the media, aren’t sure what to believe anymore
and really want the back story and the facts, we are now breaking our silence. You will find the libel defense posted here:
In the meantime, Camelot’s expanded treatment protocols are now available at selected Mexican clinics within our network, at affordable cost.
It is now possible to receive gentle, effective, natural cancer treatment for approximately what you would expect to pay in insurance copays for conventional treatment. (Which often comes with brutal side effects, and averages only a 2.5% five year survival rate.)
Results vary. Each case is unique. Your case may be accepted or declined, based on variable factors, such as diagnosis, grade (aggressiveness), staging (degree of progression) and medical history (How much, if any, conventional treatment the patient received, prior to failure, which led him or her to seek out alternative treatment options. (The latter helps us to gauge if the patient’s immune system remains intact –in other words, his or her ability to respond to our treatment.)
To see if you or a loved one qualifies as a candidate, click on “Free Case Evaluation,” complete the medical history form, then click submit. Your case will be reviewed and you will receive a response within 24 hours, often much sooner.
DMSO is short for “Dimethyl Sulfoxide.” It also stands for “Different Medical Survival Options.” All of the alternative cancer web sites, as well as the many books Camelot is published in, will tell you it works. So will the many patients who are now cancer free following treatment with this natural form of chemo. Like many effective alternative cancer treatments, DMSO has been attacked by the mainstream cancer industry; defamed & chased underground, finally forced to Mexico.
It is WORTH THE TRIP. Standards are excellent in those clinics selected for our network, in Cancun and the surrounding region. Some of the Mexican clinics are located in perfect medical tourism destinations, with nearby hospitals which are modern, state of the art. Many American and Canadian expatriates have settled in this region–and wealthy retirees typically do not settle where there is not good medical care.
You are invited to visit a tropical paradise on the Mayan Riviera, in an atmosphere conducive to healing. The ancient ruins at Chichen Itza is a day trip, as are Cozumel and other tropical attractions, with fabulous beaches, jungle boat tours and shopping. Yes, they speak English. Yes, it is surprisingly affordable. Flights depart daily from cities all over the US, to Cancun. No visa is necessary for the short duration generally needed for cancer treatment.
From Cancun, ground transportation awaits to take patients on to Merida (world famous for its medical clinics) or to Tulum or Playa del Carmen; so heavenly it’s become a favorite site for Hollywood film makers. Clinics within our network, offering Camelot’s expanded treatment protocols, also offer a full program of adjunct treatments, including UBI, ozone therapy, PEMF, nutritional therapy, daily detox with colon hydrotherapy and coffee enemas, all inclusive. The hotels range from quaint & picturesque (but comfortable) all the way to 5 star rating. The food we sampled was fabulous, organic, non-GMO, not in conflict with cancer patients’ dietary needs.
You are invited to come to where recovery from cancer may well await… where the patient’s right to freedom in medical treatment choices is respected by the Mexican federal government… where enlightened medical mavericks are free to practice in peace, and where patients will find a haven of healing. Coconut water is abundant. And yes, it’s alkaline. (Smile.) Click HERE and complete the secure medical history form to see if you qualify.
Blessings, and Buenas Dias!